A Question for the Secret Service (not that we expect an answer)
It's painfully obvious that The T-Rump is just the Clown Prince of the Gangster Obstructionists for Putin (the G.O.P.). At least for Power. His 4yr (illegitimate) rule just allowed his party (of Confederat RedPutinCons) to appoint 3 Supreme Court justices, dozens of federal judges, run up our debt by over 300% and to advance the Federalist Society plans to (also) turn the Red States into election-denying, democracy-destroying fortresses of (racist/neo-Nazi/anti-immigration/abortion-outlawing Christian nationalist) FASCISM. And to fully and totally corrupt the Republican side of the Supreme Court.
The T-Rump was just their 'shinny, spinning fly-fishing Lure of the Day' created (by Putin) and unleashed on society to keep us distracted with his crimes while he and the G.O.P. worked to destroy our trust in our own democracy (and in the hard-working Democrats & Independents dedicated to protecting it). That's all he is. That's all he was. That's all he'll ever be (in addition to a convicted felon who will most-likely defect before going to prison).
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