
Showing posts from May, 2023

Every Day is Memorial Day

 May we honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to preserve & protect our democracy (in the good ol' U.S.A.). Not just on Memorial Day but EVERY DAY! And may we also remember who the imposters and insurrectionists are who would defile the dedication & patriotism of our brave men & women in uniform. 

Foreign Investment v. Immigration (into the 'Smelting Pot')


To All the Moms (and Dads) out There


New Word of the Decade: #ConfedeRat

 Here's my humble submission for Word of the Decade...

A Question for the Secret Service (not that we expect an answer)

  It's painfully obvious that The T-Rump is just the Clown Prince of the Gangster Obstructionists for Putin (the G.O.P.). At least for Power. His 4yr (illegitimate) rule just allowed his party (of Confederat RedPutinCons) to appoint 3 Supreme Court justices, dozens of federal judges, run up our debt by over 300% and to advance the Federalist Society plans to (also) turn the Red States into election-denying, democracy-destroying fortresses of (racist/neo-Nazi/anti-immigration/abortion-outlawing Christian nationalist) FASCISM. And to fully and totally corrupt the Republican side of the Supreme Court. The T-Rump was just their 'shinny, spinning fly-fishing Lure of the Day' created (by Putin) and unleashed on society to keep us distracted with his crimes while he and the G.O.P. worked to destroy our trust in our own democracy (and in the hard-working Democrats & Independents dedicated to protecting it). That's all he is. That's all he was. That's all he'll ...

Racism v. Sexism: Which is Worse?

 Here's a post that will get me in hot water with the homosexual community, so it's important to state that I myself was raised homo. Not homosexual. Just homo.  I'll define the difference here (and please don't be too mad at me - we're all just trying to figure out who we are, and how we got this way, right?)

Nonsense v. Madness

  I've often pondered why all the nonsense. And madness. Then I realized that all the 'mad' shock jock media hosts are not just lying but they make no sense. And that the rest of us are mad but too smart to go out being so nonsensical. So here's my take on that...

The Destabilization of America

 Gee I wonder who we might be talking about HERE!

When Dropouts Unite

You don't have to do drugs, skip class and hang around outside of the high school talking crap about your fellow students and using those lies to pick fights with them to be a dropout (for the rest of your life - doing the same exact thing on Fox News, for example). There are a lot of dropouts out there...who actually graduated! They just enjoy the dropout life a bit more, and find it sooo profitable!

Artificial Intelligence: Nothing New to See Here


#Mobocracy #AmericanMobocracy


How about we don't lose sight of the FACTS (about gun ownership & the mentally ill in America)?

  Just curious - how much longer has your commute to work become in the past 10-30yrs or so? How much more are you paying to commute? Can you actually afford to live (comfortably) within a reasonable distance from where you work? Thank God for the option (that some have) to work from HOME! Here's a story about a home that I hope none of us have to live in (for much longer anyways).

A Writers Creed
