
Showing posts from September, 2023

Irreverent as Hell Itself

  With all due respect to religious people, this is not to judge you. It is to put religion in perspective (with reality).

Thank You Jurors


Illegal Immigration: It's Only Business, Baby!


Because You Broke It (that's why)

  As a typical 'rescuer' and 'fix-it guy' (and someone who ruminates on the little things we can all do to make things a little better), I had to create this in honor of the fix-it guy who was wearing the T-shirt that had this on it (and to everyone who needs a guy like me)...

Zen & the Art of Doing Dishes

  Doing the dishes means much more than just cleaning up after yourself (that's what bathrooms are for).

If Rust Could Talk

  Here's to those of you in some sort of 'bromance' with you or your dad's old rust bucket; 

Sharing Your Wisdom

  I just need to set the record straight about where I'm at these days. And why I'm still trying so hard to tolerate even the worst among us (until the personal attacks start).

Nothing Was Stolen

  It's hard to admit when you're wrong. Even harder to admit when you've been fooled. For being fooled means you've been victimized by very deceptive criminals. But to remain in defense of the abusers who fooled you (and expect you to fool others) means you've not only been completely fooled - it means that you've decided to join the criminals in defense of their crimes. How sad is THAT?

The Magic of Labor

Here's to feeling magical about your labor...EVERY DAY! For if you work for a living you are a truly magical person! Happy Labor Day!  

Civil War II - The Trumpster Trojan Horse War

  I really wish I didn't have to be so mean to my fellow Americans. But there is just no place in a functioning democracy for orgainized crime & treason on such a massive scale! #CivilWarII #ConfedeRatTreason #AmericanMobocracy #Mobocracy