Please don't delude yourself (or anyone else) - you can act crazy, you can live in your fantasy world but you can't ignore reality. You can try to conflate your fantasy with reality by deluding yourself and others with the same delusional goals & fantasies, but you can't delude the rest of us. Or the law. Or nature. Or anyone who respects the fact that at the end of the day reality trumps fantasy. That those who lie to others, who hurt others or who steal from others will be forced to own it. Forced to pay for their selfish, delusional crimes. For you can be as delusional as you want, but being delusional is no excuse for not knowing right from wrong. No matter how crazy you act or how crazy you are, you know when you've committed a crime. Or many crimes. You also have to know that one day the law will catch up to you and you'll have to own it - and face the fact that you were just a desperate liar desperately trying to cover up for your desperate crimes.