
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Biggest Part of the Problem

  Are criminal-funded & criminal-supported politicians really the problem? Or are they just the biggest part of the problem?

How Cell Phones Evolved to Rule the World

I usually have my cell phone turned off. In fact many times I can't even remember ( off hand) where I put it. Not that I'm losing it or anything. I just don't care that much about the damned thing. Which is exactly how I like it.

ConfedeRat Justice

I really wish we could all just collectively vote to move beyond this ridiculous ConfedeRat Mobocracy that they've created to rule over us. #ConfedeRat #Mobocracy  

Republican Debate: An Oxymoron


The Plague of Ignorance


Just the Facts, Maam!

It's hilarious (painfully so) to see the RedPutinCons (formerly the Republicans) claim that the various upcoming Trump trials are all just 'political witch hunts'. Under Trump's DOJ we had political witch hunts. And the RedPutinCon House 'Judicial Committee' going after Hunter Biden is certainly a political witch hunt, but not the Trump trials. There is just way too much evidence to work with, for any of the Trump charges to be political in nature. Not. Any. Of. Them. May the #TrumpTrials BEGIN!  

The Bullet-Proof Liar


You can Run but you Cannot Hide


The Nail in the Coffin of Liberal Hollywood

Please share this with anyone you know who is on the Writers or Actors Strike picket lines, and with everyone who might be willing to put some pressure on the studios to END THESE HORRIBLE STRIKES! Forcing the actors & writers to strike is about nothing more than crippling the lives and businesses of liberal Hollywood by Republican studio owners (imo).

The Black Hole of Mobocracy

In my estimation, the T-Rump (I can't even say his name) is akin to a Black Hole of Humanity - someone who enjoys sucking in all of the darkest forces in humanity like some evil villain in a sci-fi action flick. Only the forces he sucks in are not of this country. Not of humanity really. They are primarily inhumane, greedy, lawless monsters with billions of dollars & rubles & yen & dinar. Gladly willing to gather at the T-Rump's private golf club to sponsor a major professional tournament that they now own as well. For the T-Rump has been so generous with his stolen pie. With the 'Pie that Lies Made'. With the mobocracy that he has created. God help us. God help us to put this monster where he belongs, and to dismantle the giant network of organized crime he has assembled. #Mobocracy

Don't Delude Yourself - Nothing Was Stolen

  Please don't delude yourself (or anyone else) - you can act crazy, you can live in your fantasy world but you can't ignore reality. You can try to conflate your fantasy with reality by deluding yourself and others with the same delusional goals & fantasies, but you can't delude the rest of us. Or the law. Or nature. Or anyone who respects the fact that at the end of the day reality trumps fantasy. That those who lie to others, who hurt others or who steal from others will be forced to own it. Forced to pay for their selfish, delusional crimes. For you can be as delusional as you want, but being delusional is no excuse for not knowing right from wrong. No matter how crazy you act or how crazy you are, you know when you've committed a crime. Or many crimes. You also have to know that one day the law will catch up to you and you'll have to own it - and face the fact that you were just a desperate liar desperately trying to cover up for your desperate crimes. 

The Terrorism of Lies

 If you or someone you know is literally living a lie, please do what you can to help them to GET A LIFE!

What do Trump & Putin have in Common?


Kindness has it's Limits


Things We Know and Things We Don't Know


Allowing Mob Rule YOU!


Their Alternate Universe (of Criminal Co-Conspiracy)

 There may be 'good people on both sides', but it really is starting to look rather one-sided. 

What Do Republicans Stand For (besides the obvious)?


Freedom: What Does it Mean to YOU?

I would formally like to invite you to the #FreedomProject (not affiliated with any groups of the same name). Note - This is a photo file. Just click to enlarge, save or SHARE!