
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Plan

 May the #TrumpTrials BEGIN! 

The Difference

  Whenever I hear someone say 'There's no difference between the 2 parties' I just want to projectile vomit...on THEM!

The Hidden Agenda behind 'Beneficial' Slavery

  Are any of you wondering what secret agenda might be behind the RedPutinCon's 'Beneficial Slavery' / History Re-Writing agenda? Here's a verrry plausible motive...

Just a Little White Lie?

 May the #TrumpTrials...BEGIN!

May the Trump Trials Begin!


Hey Israel How's it Goin'?


This is no 'Revolution'


Where's Our Piece of the Pie?

 "Without workers to convert your money into the things that you need, your money is worthless"   Robert Barrett

How bad is 'A.I.'?

 Note; The abuse of AI to do identity theft or any other type of crime (i.e. using it to write essays for grades in school or claiming authorship for articles you did not write) is not the fault of 'A.I.'. It's the fault of the criminals abusing the technology.   Editor

You're entitled to your own opinion, not to your own FACTS!


Please just leave 'God' out of it

  I believe in God. I believe it/he/she to be a total mystery and well beyond my comprehension as a mere human on planet Earth. I therefore can't say I love or don't love he/she/it. Let's just say that I appreciate the wonder of his/her/it's work, and if it's just a series of 'happy accidents' that created the 1st life on Earth (and everything else) then that's cool too. Either way we all live on an amazing planet full of amazing life forms, and we are all entrusted to take care of it. For it is the ONLY ONE WE HAVE! And there is a good chance that 'God' has moved on (to create new life-sustaining planets), leaving the job of caring for our's to US!

Tax Breaks for Tax Cheats

I f ever they tell you that 'Only Capitalists create jobs', just tell them (politely) that they are very WRONG ABOUT THAT! Tell them that our govt. (at all levels) creates more (good-paying) jobs than they do (with the exception of all those jobs they create IN OTHER COUNTRIES). And they do it without having to make a profit or causing artificial inflation (of their prices) to please their investors! And that we (through our govt. contracts) actually support many of their so-called 'capitalist' corporations....with GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS! #MilitarySocialism #ArtificialInflation

Mobster or Mobsucker - You both SUCK!

#MobSucker     (n - One who sucks mob balls)

To Profit or Not to Profit? THAT is the Question!

Call me a bleedin' heart Libtard, but I will never put profit before people. And I don't care if you think that only 'Capitalists' are the job-creators. Because you would be very, very WRONG ABOUT THAT (with the exceptoin of jobs IN OTHER COUNTRIES)! #PeopleB4Profit note; This is a photo file. Just click to enlarge, save or SHARE!

We Will Never Come For Your Guns!


Artificial Inflation 101 : Labor Exploitation
