
Showing posts from June, 2023

To Mock or Not to Mock that is the Question


Artificial Inflation 101: Blame the Illegal Workers

 "There really is no excuse that is too low for those seeking to exploit everyone & everything.          

Over Population: The Plot for Economic Enslavement

  So who here believes that anti-abortion laws are nothing but over-population policies (in disguise)?

They Need the Stupid People Breeding (to Stay in Power)

  Disclaimer; This post does not apply to the 'simple' people (i.e. the mentally-challenged, clinically-diagnosed as 'simple'). It only applies to the stubborn, insolent, mean, bombastic, cocksure, dishonest and religiously superstitious stupid people (and the liars who own their very souls). #StupidBreeders

Not on Our Soil!

 To say the American people need to reject & repudiate Trumpism to save our democracy is an understatement. The sad thing is that 99.9% of the G.O.P. (the Gangster-Owned Puppets) are now Trumpsters to the end. They had a chance to make the break and re-establish themselves during Trump's first impeachment. But instead they exonerated him. Twice. So now we have to repudiate the entire party, and hope that a viable 2nd & 3rd political party can emerge in it's place.  In the meantime, we all have a LOT of work to do! 

You Have to Feel Sorry for Them (NOT!)

  Feeling sorry for someone does NOT mean going EASY ON THEM (if they happen to also be CRIMINALS)!

Real Fake News Miami - Trump Team Seeking Jurors for Documents Case

  Seeing how lame they all seem to be, maybe this is where Trump finds his lawyers as well!

The Elders are Here! (to save You & the World)

  As I add years to the life, I'm finding a lot more 'age discrimination' (if not plain old 'ignoring that you're even there'). It's as if younger people are afraid to look at what they are soon going to look like themselves. And I'm not a bad-looking guy. Just an older one. So here's to the one's we've been waiting for and realizing that they've BEEN HERE ALL ALONG!

The Kings Racket

  I have a riddle for you.... if you have a million millionaires in the world many of whom have their own private armies & are trying to own their own country (or take over a country) and a large number of them are trying to tear your country apart and auction off the remains to themselves and their buddies, are they really rich? Or are they just rich criminals (who haven't been caught yet)? #KingsRacket

Socialism by any other name is still... SOCIALISM!


Netpuck! Hockey for the rest of us!

  With the Stanley Cup Finals finally here, now is a prime time to unveil my new hockey-based game... Netpuck! Look for it soon! Just as soon as I have secured the investors to start a Summer hockey league called the No Goalie League! #Netpuck #NoGoalieLeague #NewHockey (Netpuck, New Hockey and No Goalie League are trademarks of Barrett Productions)